It fully embodies the Party's fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. It is the ultimate yardstick to guide, assess, and test all governance activities of the Party. 以人为本、执政为民是我们党的性质和全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨的集中体现,是指引、评价、检验我们党一切执政活动的最高标准。
To improve people's material and cultural lives is the fundamental purpose of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. 提高人民物质文化生活水平,是改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的根本目的。
Serving the people is the fundamental purpose of the Party, and putting people first and exercising governance for the people is the ultimate yardstick for judging all the Party's performance in this regard. 为人民服务是党的根本宗旨,以人为本、执政为民是检验党一切执政活动的最高标准。
We have advanced reforms with the fundamental purpose of making our nation stronger and more prosperous. We also aim to achieve a higher degree of impartiality and justice in society so that people can live a better life. 我们推进改革的根本目的,是要让国家变得更加富强、让社会变得更加公平正义、让人民生活得更加美好。
Company to "quality first" and "integrity services," the fundamental purpose of trying to satisfy your needs, you create and brilliant. 公司以“质量第一”、“诚信服务”为根本宗旨,努力满足您的需要,与您共创辉煌。
It should be remembered that the fundamental purpose of the offset policy is to allow industrial growth despite stringent air quality standards. 应该记得,补偿政策的基本目的是允许工业增长,尽管实施着严厉的空气质量标准。
Very often financial markets present financial intermediaries with opportunities for profit that involve business strategies that may be questionable, having regard to the fundamental purpose of the financial industry. 若以金融中介这项基本功能来衡量,有时候金融中介机构为争取盈利机会所采用的业务策略是否恰当可能会值得商榷。
The fundamental purpose for which the Japanese imperialism staged the Lugou Bridge Incident and then started an all-out attack on China was to carry out economic expanssion and economic plunder in china. 日本帝国主义发动芦沟桥事变进而向中国发动全面军事进攻,其根本目的是对中国实行经济扩张和经济掠夺。
The fundamental purpose of design is to communicate a message and motivate the viewer to do something. 设计的基本意图是传达一个信息并激发观众做某些事情。
As the fundamental purpose of a thesis paper is to solve problem, it should be clearly stated in details; 学位论文的最基本要点是要解决间题,问题必须明确、具体,要小题大做;
A peace-keeping operation should not be undertaken when conditions are not yet ripe, nor should a peace-keeping force become a party to a conflict, which would be a deviation from the fundamental purpose of peace-keeping operations. 条件不成熟时不应实施维和行动,更不应该使之成为冲突一方,偏离维和的根本方向。
The fundamental purpose to do investment in Europe is to protect the safety of our foreign exchange reserve, Song said, noting that it had historically been over-weighted in US dollar-backed assets. 在欧洲投资的根本目的,是保护中国外汇储备的安全。他指出,中国在历史上过于偏重美元资产。
The fundamental purpose of investigating accidents under these Regulations shall be to determine the circumstances and causes of the accident with a view to the preservation of life and the avoidance of accidents in the future; it is not the purpose to apportion blame or liability. 根据本规例对意外进行调查的主要目的,是决定意外发生的情况及因由,以期将来能保障生命和避免发生意外;调查目的并不是要分摊过失或法律责任。
But these efforts are unlikely to succeed because they run counter to the fundamental purpose of the programme. 但这些努力不大可能见效,因为它们与课程的根本目标背道而驰。
The fundamental purpose of tort law is to compensate the injured party, not necessarily to punish the wrongdoer as in criminal law. 侵权法最基本的目的是对受害者的救济与补偿,而不必象刑法那样对非法行为人进行惩罚。
We will strengthen their ideological and political standards, and adhere to the fundamental principle of the Party having absolute leadership over the armed forces, and we should maintain the Chinese armed forces 'fundamental purpose of being an army of the people. 加强思想政治建设,坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和人民军队的根本宗旨。
Understanding is the fundamental purpose of interpretation of intelligence test score. 智力测验分数解释最基本的一个目的就是为了理解。
The fundamental purpose and tasks of award are to serve the economic construction. 现在奖励工作的根本目的和重要任务是为经济建设服务。
The fundamental purpose of research on information linguistics is to improve the information retrieval ratio through control. 通过控制提高检索效率是情报语言学研究的根本目的。
For enterprises, achieving lasting value creation and maximum value is the fundamental purpose for existing and development. 对于企业来讲,持续的价值创造和实现价值最大化目标才是企业存在发展的根本目的。
Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of our party, but also the nature of our government. 全心全意为人民服务是我们党的根本宗旨,也是我们人民政府的本质。
This is the fundamental purpose of the subject spiral aeration experiment device design and research. 这正是本文进行螺旋曝气实验装置设计和研究的根本目的。
Environmental criminal law purpose includes direct purpose and fundamental purpose. 环境刑法目的包括直接目的和最终追求的根本目的。
New urbanization constriction is not a simple urbanization and its fundamental purpose is to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development. 新型城镇化建设不是简单的城市化,其最根本的目的是实现人的全面可持续发展。
The fundamental purpose of education is to cultivate and foster human beings in all aspects. 教育的根本目的就是塑造人和发展人。
The fundamental purpose of education is educating people, therefore, disposition is just a means. 教育的根本目的在于塑造人和发展人,而处分只是一种手段。
At the same time, development is for people to leave the human existence, development does not make any sense, therefore, is the fundamental purpose of development. 同时,发展是为了人,离开了人的存在,发展就没有任何意义,因此,人是发展的根本目的。
In this process, the copyright fair use system emerge as the times require, its fundamental purpose is to balance the copyright owner and the user of interest among the. 著作权合理使用制度在这一过程中便应运而生了,它产生的根本目的就是是平衡著作权人和作品使用人之间的利益。
Human, the main body of the community is the fundamental purpose of social development. 人作为社会的主体,是社会发展的根本目的。
Social Regulation of the fundamental purpose is to protect the personal safety of citizens and health. 社会性规制的根本目的是为了保护公民的人身安全和健康。